Discussion in 'Can Cook, Will Cook' started by marowak, Aug 16, 2011.

  1. [​IMG]

    Made by Mrs Marowak ... there is not much left today ::)
  2. Terrordales

    Terrordales Nightshift

    Wish I had a missus who could make cakes. :(
  3. [hr]
  4. Happy birthday 8)
    this was mine on 5 th june this year



    love getting themed cakes 8)
  5. OLIVE-Bay - that is an excellent looking cake!
  6. thanks my missus made it for me. have a good birthday matey 8)
  7. hailfrank

    hailfrank Admin esq.


  8. feels like its becoming a birthday cake thread 8)
  10. Hope they tasted as good as they looked 
  11. Not a bithday cake, this was our wedding cake that I made myself :)

  12. Not VW cakes but still I'm trying to find a VW one we had 2 years ago:-


  14. I never got to taste this wonderful cake my daughter (13) and her friend made :( Because .... Ti (dog) ATE THE WHOLE THING! .. Lou had put it in her bedroom to keep safe! Ti pushed the door open and ate the lot :'(

    72wilma likes this.
  15. hailfrank

    hailfrank Admin esq.

  16. Love a good VW cake. This was Pascale's birthday cake last year. This year it is going to be a Beetle to go with the actual Beetle her amazing step-mother and alright father ;) are buying for her this year



  17. [​IMG]
    Here is my Hubbys b'day cake. I ordered the biscuits and stuck them on a cake - cheating but effective! The registration plates on the vans had his name and happy 40th on them.
  18. wow that's gorgeous!!
  19. Not a birthday cake but this is my wedding cake made by my wife's mum.
  20. Red Arrows cake I made for my nephews birthday. This was the first decorated cake I have made and it includes making the planes:


    The second cake I made was a replica of my dads VW Beetle, not the best I know but not bad for my 2nd attempt at a decorated cake:


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