2 seats from a 68 to 72 van no ripps

Discussion in 'Late Bay Parts Classifieds' started by shielsy, Jul 1, 2013.

  1. all in very good nick discoloured £95 plus post
  2. Any pics mate? Sounds cheaper than buying new covers lol!
  3. sorry i forgot to get the pics ill do it tonight , frames etc perfect ,
  4. Ok that'll be great :)
  5. [​IMG]
  6. [​IMG]
  7. How much is your courier to Cambridge fella?
  8. call it £15 pounds if its any more ill pay the difference can t be any fairer than that owen n w
  9. cheapest courier ive found for 2 seats is 30 quid, hope that helps.
  10. i rest my case lol owen nw :theforce:
  11. That sounds great, just having some problems with my gearbox at the moment so need to sort that first :( will hopefully be going Monday so will get back to you soon hopefully.
  12. davidoft

    davidoft Sponsor

    The seats will almost certainly clean up to new or close to with a bit of effort ;)
  13. I've just found out that I need a pair of earlybay seats so if Lardy doesn't want them I certainly need them.
  14. who ever pays for them gets them , thats fair owen nw
  15. I'll have them - just tell me how to pay.

  16. provissonally sold to chad pending payment
  17. sold
  18. posted to day pm d ye a tracking number many thanks owen nw

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