FOR SALE 3m x 6m gazebo/carport/tent - Field of Dreams show

Discussion in 'Non Late Bay Classifieds' started by Zebedee, Aug 11, 2013.

  1. Big enough to fit a camper in with space free around the side too:
    It has a zipped door on either end (not attached in this piccy).

    Its had a 5 of eyelets replaced with nylon strapping as they got pulled out in a galeforce wind.:mad:
    Theres one bit of velcro missing from the side too but it should be easy enough to sew another bit on.


    Due to the weight and size (55-60kg and the poles are 7ft long) its likely to cost a load to send so i will deliver it to the Field of Dreams show at York at the end of the month if anyone wants it.

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