Badly worn ignition key

Discussion in 'Mech Tech' started by moonhead, Dec 11, 2012.

  1. Just purchased my first bay. the ignition key that also fits 3 of the doors is badly worn and could break at any time, and i dont have a spare. My local key cutter wouldnt cut a copy as i think he thought it would snap it. There is no code on it. Any ideas on how to get a replacement would be much appreciated. Thanks Andy
  2. rickyrooo1

    rickyrooo1 Hanging round like a bad smell

    use a different key cutter.... mine was really thin and i got one cut at camperjam, the guy even let me go and try it on the van and come back and pay him...... i think you can get the key code off the barrel or door lock but i'm not sure - someone will know.
  3. Zed

    Zed Gradually getting grumpier

    Take a door handle off, the code is on the bit inside that works the lock mech.
    Ig barrel is too hard to remove.
  4. You can try this guy who specialises in vw keys. Can cut you a key from a photograph if needed!
    David Calton
  5. Thanks for quick replies guys.
  6. I had a similar problem with worn keys. Just took it to a Timpson's key cutters and they copied it for me.
  7. ^^ I have also used Dave Calton in Stockport and he was just excellent
  8. Have contacted Dave Calton through your link. Very helpful chap and seems like he will be able to sort out key one way or another.
  9. Have recieved 2keys from within a week of sending him a couple of pictures. This was done with no key codes. I would highly recommend him to any body having problems sourcing keys. First class service.

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