Best filler

Discussion in 'Mech Tech' started by earlylatebay, Nov 3, 2013.

  1. I have just had a new lower corner fitted and want to fill the section around the seams. what is the best stuff on the market?

    cheers all.

  2. I just use the stuff from my paint suppliers...

    It's all much the same, but you get smoother grades for top spot filling :thumbsup:
  3. Upol easy sand then dolphin glaze
  4. rickyrooo1

    rickyrooo1 Hanging round like a bad smell

    i like coronation chicken.
    icepug and womball like this.
  5. Upol easy has been very good and easy to use, and just read a build thread where the fella recommended u pol fantastic so I'm going to try that next :thumbsup:
    Kruger likes this.
  6. It's traditional on busses to use chicken wire and old newspapers, particularly on structural members. Flour and water's fine as well.
  7. I thought Upol Fantastic was definitely better than Easy with far fewer pinholes.
    Kruger and Buddy Hawks like this.
  8. Though I do miss the free and easy days of Isopon and chicken wire now I come to think of it.
    Buddy Hawks likes this.
  9. Isn't he the Prime Minister of Turkey?
  10. When he had fillered and sanded where he needed, he mixed the fantastic 50/50 with that runny dolphin glaze in the squeeze bag (not used it) to make a finer surface filler to skim the larger panels before primer
  11. found plenty of this when we began cutting out the rust.
  12. Love the names like Upol Fantastic, it reminds me of a protein product the body builders used to buy in the gym called Great Stuff.

  14. Anyone filled their van with Toast Toppers? It's got to work...
  15. How about marmite....? :thinking:
  16. ha! that's what mine had in when i first rescued him :D
  17. i did some brazing(sp?) on the bug under the bonnet seal. that was very satisfying :)
  18. poly
  19. [​IMG]
    womball likes this.
  20. Lead load it like a good boy.

    Oh, sorry forgot it's a VW. Chicken wire, newspaper and PVA.

    Actually, any old Marmite you've got lying around the garage, the damper the better.

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