FREE Brand New Roof Seal

Discussion in 'Late Bay Parts Classifieds' started by burntout, Jan 17, 2015.

  1. Trouble is I can't remember which one it is without finding the receipt folder and really don't want to go there :lol:

    However its free to anyone that needs it, and if I get brave enough will find the receipt folder.

    Brand new and never used, brought the wrong one. :(

    paradox likes this.
  2. Hi @burnout is that the one that goes on the edge of the fibreglass pop-top?
    If so what one did you have as I'm looking at replacing mine.... :)
  3. We have a Westy Roof, it wasn't for that :lol:

    I will dig the receipt out later and get back to you - got to pluck the courage up to go through that ;)
    SeanOC likes this.
  4. I have a Devon roof so I'll take it and give it a go if that's ok with you?
    PM me with an idea of where you are pls?
  5. Just saw your message on your checking the receipt! OK pls let me know
  6. can i have it if seanoc doesn't please?
  7. Right I can now be specific as to what it is (I didn't even begin to look at the totals of each receipt otherwise I would still be on the floor in shock :eek: )

    It is Devon Poptop Roof Skirt Seal JK Part Number J11347 - 8 Metres of!

    So @SeanOC if its any use to you, you are welcome to it, if not let us know and we will pass it on to @brothernumberone who is next in line. :)

    Oh and on Isle of Wight, apologies for missing that out, but don't worry we aren't expecting you to collect :p.
    SeanOC likes this.
  8. Hi @burnout Yes please
  9. Cool. :thumbsup: PM us your address and we will get it on its way to you!
  10. Lovely part ov the world my brother in law lived in ventnor
  11. It is indeed. We are on the West side and love it!

    Ventnor is ok, a little hilly tho ask @Silver and @Barneyrubble :lol:
  12. Zed

    Zed Gradually getting grumpier

    Out of inerest because I'm too late to this thread and need one myself, is it floppy or does it have steel built in?
  13. Floppy!
    zed likes this.
  14. Very hilly my best friend only just moved there from sandown had massive heart attack.
  15. Baysearcher

    Baysearcher [secret moderator]

    Razzyh and zed like this.
  16. Razzyh

    Razzyh Supporter

    And free delivery ;)
    Baysearcher likes this.

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