WANTED CB Performance part 3395 Heim Joint Extension

Discussion in 'Late Bay Parts Classifieds' started by Technohippy, Apr 15, 2013.

  1. Hello, does anyone have one of these knocking about? Ordering one is going to take far too long and its the only bit I need to get my bay back on the road

    3395 Heim Joint Extension


    hooray for annoying little bits that take months to ship from the states... not
  2. That's an extension for the throttle arm on twin carbs?

    I might have something... I'll have to go have a hunt through my stuff, see if I can find some linkage spares!! Does it need to be a certain length??
  3. Cheers Paul

    Here's the distance with the linkage hanging dead straight, so inch and a bit - anything that spaces it out closer to upright than it is and works out cheaper than another set of manifolds with the right offsetting would help :)

  4. well if paul fails then tell me do me a sketch of what you want and i`ll knock one up , i take it they are anc,anf thread ?

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