For sale c-tek 12v charger

Discussion in 'Late Bay Parts Classifieds' started by sjhjoinery, Sep 27, 2013.

  1. For sale the c-tek m200 charger only had light use features;
    15 amp charging
    7 stage charging for optimum battery life
    Night mode
    Recon mode
    IP44 rated comes with 4m lead so can be mounted in the bus

    One of the best chargers out there, auto kicks in when powered up so if used on leisure system it's a case of fit and forget unless switching modes of course!

    Cheapest online £135

    My price £85
  2. does it come with a free interior? :p
  3. Yes if you want it too but postage is increased to £1395
    Razzyh and Terrordales like this.
  4. touché!
  5. Still for sale, Great bit of kit,

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