Grand Theft Auto V

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by chrisselby, Sep 15, 2013.

  1. right that's it I have pennies in the account ill try and get it tomorrow if I can get away from my desk at work.

    whats everyones ps3 names?
  2. XboxFanBoy, hit me up :)
  3. I haven't played GTA since the original 90s PC version. I don't think that GTA V will change that.
  4. I played the last one a bit then realised I can jump things!
  5. Soggz

    Soggz Supporter

    GTA IV was pretty mint,so im gonna get the fifth on.A lot of stars did the voices in the last one...and Ricky Gervais on stage in that
  6. Soggz

    Soggz Supporter

    Bit of both then...;)
  7. I'm actually struggling to believe its been five years since the last GTA & after the discussions on here I bought it this morning from Sainsburys & can't wait to give it a blast tonight, I will be giving it the lets go to bed early tonight dear to Mrs Robo, you would benefit from an early night after the weekend ;) my PS3 is connected to the TV in our bedroom, just need to find my Bluetooth earphone thingy's :thumbsup: :D
  8. That's reminded me that I do have a pair of bluetooth headphones in a drawer somewhere in the house. Never thought of using them with the PS3 before...
    Robo likes this.
  9. Right going to try and get it from Islington over lunch.
    my PSN ID is nobski should anyone wanna game later.
    I'll be the one trying to jump a camper van from the roof of a multi-storey car park. :D
    Buddy Hawks and Robo like this.
  10. People in work were playing it last night apparantly you have to install 8gb on your hard drive then run the game ,they said it was very special ,wish I hadent lent my nephew my 360 :(
  11. Somehow, in a dreamlike blur, I found myself in Epping Tesco half an hour ago with the game clutched in my eager paws.

    The first game I have bought for five years. The last one was GTA IV.
    bernjb56, Robo and Lord Congi like this.
  12. :thinking: hope no one stole it :rolleyes::D
  13. Bought mine for my PS3 complete with a mic attached when I used to play online of an evening every time I massacred an opponent they used to swear at me, mostly in american talk, I would then reply telling them to go forth & multiply :D its at that point Mrs Robo would wake and give me a telling off :oops:
  14. Hoping to get home in time for the postman to deliver, whack it in and do the pre install and then get on it when the kids have gone to bed.
    I've told the misses I'm commandeering the tv tonight and she will have to watch great British bake off upstairs, I've even sorted the sky out so she can watch something else im nice like that.
    Robo likes this.
  15. I bought a pair so I could use my mobile hands-free in the office. Unfortunately every time I did I; a. looked like a d!ck and; b. everyone I spoke with spent most of the conversation telling me how they couldn't quite hear me.

    However, they are decent headphones and presumably as they're Sony they should have no trouble talking to the 'Station. I might have to send my wife off to the pub/cinema/secret boyfriend's tonight.
  16. Ill post up my online username later once I can find it. Can't see me doing anything other than playing tonight though tbh, might stop for the loo, or I might have to get an empty bucket so I don't need to move.
    Robo likes this.
  17. When the last one came out it nearly ruined my life, i couldn't ever turn it off, the first night i thought id just turn it on to give it a look before bed i was still sitting on the floor at 5:30am, not even doing missions i was just jumping cars and stuff, was not a good day in work that

    Still getting the new one though :thumbsup:
    Robo and chrisselby like this.
  18. By the way - the large rack of available copies on both platforms selling for £8 less than Amazon in Tesco suggests that pre-ordering wasn't really worth it. There certainly weren't queues around the block.

    I'm reminded of when GTA IV came out. Settle in now, I have a story to tell of life mimicking art.

    So, IV was even more hyped than V because it was the first next-gen incarnation. Everyone was getting excited by it and back then I was still a semi-regular games player with no kids so I entered into the spirit of it. Didn't pre-order but decided I would be at Goodmayes Tesco at quarter to midnight to buy my copy fifteen minutes later.

    I drove off to Goodmayes with plenty of time to spare. Now I'll admit I was driving fairly briskly in my car that night, but there was no traffic around as I remember. About five mins from the store there were two young gentlemen crossing the road. Around seventy yards ahead of where I was. However they saw me approach (the only car on that road) and slowed down to a shuffling near-stop. Just to p*** me off. No other reason. While still looking at me. So, in my wisdom I thought I'd show them who was boss and instead of slowing down I swerved behind them. I didn't see that they had a pitbull on a lead following...

    The dog barrel-rolled down the street.

    I stopped and opened the door in a panic. Unlike the characters in the games I'm not a car-wielding psychopath and was immediately distraught that I'd hit a pooch. Before I realised the two lads had reached into the car and taken my keys out of the ignition. The dog, thankfully ran back to them and was bizarrely licking my hand as if I was his new best mate. However his apparent recovery didn't stop them demanding money with menaces. Ironically (and luckily) the cash amount they wanted was £40 - the sum I had on me to pay for the game. I paid and carried on.

    I got to the store at midnight to see a queue of around twenty blokes. If twenty was the exact amount then Tesco Goodmayes had been issued eighteen copies. The chap in front of me, me and a couple of people behind me left disappointed. As I returned to my car I noticed it no longer had a front number plate. I went back to the area where I collided with Rover but no joy.

    The next morning I was annoyed but undeterred. I set off to work on my scooter in the driving rain but with a detour to Morrisons in Enfield. I got there at 8.00 and happily found a couple of copies for sale. I got back on my trusty Piaggio X9 and headed toward the West End on the A10. About three minutes on my most-hated road in London I clipped a car's wingmirror and managed to step off my falling bike without actually crashing. Usually I'd carry on as all London bikers have the odd spill now and again and take them in their stride. This time I remember looking at the rain, looking at my sodden waterproofs, thinking about the new purchase under the seat and coming to the conclusion that this was officially a motorbike accident and no-one could be expected to work after having one of those.

    I remounted, drove onto the pavement and called the office. I'd had a crash and I was so shaken up I needed the day off. Naturally they agreed.

    I spent the rest of the day drinking tea and exploring Liberty City. Real-life GTA sucks I decided, but the game was very enjoyable indeed.
    S1mon and Robo like this.
  19. Right all sold out in my part of town will have to wait till I get home hopefully the chavs in dagenham haven't got all the ones from tescos

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