Handling again-

Discussion in 'Mech Tech' started by Marc Mears, Jul 8, 2013.

  1. Well after the last problem about handling – and readjusting one of the back suspension arms by 1 notch – it was much better – but I don’t think is right.
    The problems I have are
    1) The steering does not want to centralize.
    2) When driving at 55 – yes 55mph down a normal B road and I follow a corner my pants fill up!!! – the van feels like it wants to go straight on and then I over correct and then I get a feeling that it wants to dig in – the feeling I get is when you dive down the motorway and you go into road works and you have to change lane over an odd camber – and you get that odd feeling as you transition over the different cambers.
    So the question is

    1) Should I lower the back by 1 notch to bring the front up a little
    2) It is going tomorrow to have its caster and camber checked – it may be the concentric bush that may need adjusting
    3) Or are they all like this?
    Having said that it’s all finished and as long as I don’t go over 45mph its fine and I’m having a great time in it.
    Any help please – and no – I don’t want a pair or rubber under crackers, or a nappy- I prefer that hot feeling!!!!

  2. They're not all like that, far from it. You need to get your steering and front end well sorted.

    Plenty of posts on the subject on here!
  3. Fiddling with the back end won't make a massive difference to steering at the front... what you will need to check, is the toe in/out of the back wheels now you have had it all to bits!!

    Sounds like you have a combination of incorrect camber and tracking on the front end... caster is almost set on these... only way of getting it out is by having one dimple (on the eccentric nut) pointing forwards and the other aft, and even then you're probably talking 2° max


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