happy birthday Julie (Wilma)

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by 72wilma, Sep 19, 2013.

  1. Duncan by the time she's home she'll be done in, birthday officially postponed until tomorrow and Saturday :thumbsup:
  2. i said they need to do something about that headmaster , he needs to be spat at n kicked i tell ya!:(
    72wilma likes this.
  3. Happy Birthday.
    72wilma likes this.
  4. Happy birthday lovely lady, hope you have a fabby day!!!! :hug: :beer:
  5. Happy Birthday Julie :)
    72wilma likes this.
  6. Oops.happy belated birthday julie xx
    72wilma likes this.
  7. Happy belated birthday, sorry in stupidly late myself :mad:

    Here's to birthday beers later :beer:

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