Hayburner gets even better

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by I changed your name in error. Contact dog, Jun 2, 2013.

  1. New Hayburner has arrived and it just gets better, no I'm not related to Ned but I just love the Mag. it sums up everything I like about old VWs and tinkering. M.N.I.P.N absolutely rocks. This issue fans of Kelly's Heroes will get the quote " Positive waves, Moriaty .Positve waves", and I gonna add " it's a beautiful bridge and its gonna be there"'. Cheers Ned and crew at Hayburner.
  2. MorkC68

    MorkC68 Administrator

    Yep I enjoy Hayburner too but there does seem to be a few more ads creeping in :eek: Mind you, Camper and Bus seem to be featuring more latebays of late :thumbsup: Dean (Butler) had a small write up in the latest issue

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