I am the egg man I am the walrus coo coo ca choo

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourselves' started by Diddymen, Aug 10, 2011.

  1. Coo coo ca choo every one

    Diddymen here.

    you might remember me from eppics such as "help my bottoms on fire", "help my hairs on fire", "help I've set fire to my bus whilst welding .....again", "I've got an itchy bottom" and other VW restoration informational films.

    I used to be a pirate but got medically retired from the good ship "the brown pearl" on account of there not being any facilities for some one with a wooden leg and an eye patch.......

    My goal in life is to win best newcommer on TLB

    my star sign is scorpio

    my vital statistics are 3 inches in the cold ......(thats a lie its only 2inchs)

    my favorite colour is Brown ......yea right ;D

    I seem to recognise some of the names on here .........do I know you from some where??? did you used to hang out on prototype bay???

    in reality

    real name Dale - not to be confuse with outlaw Dale ......(no thats not the name of a 16th century highway man for any one who doesnt know outlaw) I always think its strange typing Dale when it doesnt refer to me - not being big headded (only 2 inches remember) just I dont know any one else called Dale, so when I've PM'd Dale it kinda feels strange ......any one else get that??.........sorry off topic a bit there

    I'm an electrical design engineer (combat systems) but I'm also 2ic for an Emergancy response rescue team......although to look at me your probably more likely to belive I am a Pirate

    Got 2 kids and a Mrs Diddymen so finding time for the bus is always difficult .......but I manage to sneak down there now and again

    I've been restoring my bus Woody for nearly 2 years now and am looking forward to getting the restoration thread back on here......and looking forward to actually finishing it.

    My posts usually consist of a lot of "........'s " and lack constructive content

    hopefully you can remember the rest ;) cos I'm hankering after a cup of tea, all the excitement of TLB being back has made me thirsty

    .............anyway good to be back ...........I would use the dancing yetti smily but we seem to have lost them all :( ......I was saving that one for when I finally got paint on my bus......I'd resisted using it for over a year but now feels like a good time to use it .......but its not here.

    whilst Im on the subject what are the yellow squares in the profile box??? can I have a blue one? ....or a green one?? I dont seem to be able to give Karma either - the + and - seem to have dissapeared - no matter just glad to have TLB back WELL DONE HORTS AND TEAM K+ (when I can work it out ;) )

    Looking forward to giving out loads of K+ to help people get theirs back

    Now Im going to get the kettle on and go through all the posts and reply to all the other intros .......so if you dont mind no one post anything else on here untill I've caught up.

    I've been waiting all day to get back on here you know, registered at work but the activation code would have got deleted from my work email so I sent it home. Had to hang around on the prototype bay all day......you know, I was the only one there??? ......felt kinda lonely :(

    right definatly going for a cuppa and a smoke, drink up me hearties yo ho.....dont try and stop me


    ......Oooh just noticed the spell checker....nice (said in a John Inman voice)

    back in a bit
  2. Brilliant intro, made me laugh out loud!!! ;D

    Welcome back [​IMG]
  3. Woo Hoo, Welcome to the site i hope you enjoy it here ;) have some Diddy karma!
  4. hahaha thats great, Welcome Back :)
  5. 8) Welcome back the diddy, nice re intro or should I say re-entry
  6. or rear entry :p ....ooh er Mrs
  7. Evening Major ......Mrs Major thanks for the K+ :) ....I doo like saying evening Major, reminds me of Fawlty Towers :)

    evening Dinky

    evening Dubious

    thanks for the welcomes ......you lot seem like a friendly bunch .....think I'll hang around here quite a bit :)

    Nice to see some of the old sections going back up :)

    it will be good to get them re populated ..........do you think we might inbreed a bit too much unless we get some new members though
  8. Welcome back
    Its like coming to a reunion party on here at the moment
  9. MorkC68

    MorkC68 Administrator

    evening dude...lets get SMG kicked back into action, morklol:
  10. thanks DebandCol :)

  11. MorkC68

    MorkC68 Administrator

  12. Love your intro :D
  13. Welcome home diddy

    Have you not reposted your 30 odd pages of resto pics yet, i need some pics of the o's inner sill area ;D
  15. thanks MrsBodyrock :)

  16. MorkC68

    MorkC68 Administrator

  17. Can you feel the love on here tonight :D the chat is non stop in general

    if we were dogs we'd be sniffing each others bums like crazy .....or leg humping ......or doing that thing where they stick their back legs in the air and pull them selfs along to scratch their bums .......that always cracks me up :D
  18. rickyrooo1

    rickyrooo1 Hanging round like a bad smell

    hi mate, sorry i've not responded to you until now (or anyone else) it's busy and i'm reading more than posting................shock horror i know! i'll catch everyone soon enough.
  19. I know what your saying mate ....very busy on here tonight

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