If you were going to ressurrect a thread-from-the-dead, which one would it be?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by baygeekster, Jun 5, 2013.

  1. ;)

    Maybe I should go and find my birthday one, then I could pretend I had an official birthday and an actual one, just like the Queen? :lol:
  2. rickyrooo1

    rickyrooo1 Hanging round like a bad smell

    if it still existed i'd love to see my original thread on my van being imported - it was epic.
    "is it here yet?"
    or moons intro thread
    both sadly lost in the big crash 2011.
  3. Maybe I'll wait six months and resurrect this one. ;)
  4. No doubt about it ! the "When we was young ,we were poor" <<thread !>>undoubtably the funniest posts that ever existed ,I had to stop reading it as it happened cos I was wetting myself cos I was laffing so much and I'm talking tears running down my face and ribs hurting kinda laffing .The imagination /artful ness with words/ and understanding of physics /string theory to name but three areas visited by peeps on this site to convince others that they had indeed been well poor in past days was totally off the scale ,there should in fact be an additional forum sub site called perhaps "Classics" and if there were ,the one I refer too would take its place there. it is a Belter !note;my family were really poor !
    b0dyr0ck2006 likes this.
  5. rickyrooo1

    rickyrooo1 Hanging round like a bad smell

    poor? poor? you don't know the meaning of the word poor! our dad used to sell us to the churchyard to make graves out of our bodies....... we would have the dead stacked inside us and have to lie there until they rotted away - our sister died as a result and my dad beat her back to life so he could kill her.......

    etc etc.
    moley76 likes this.
  6. That would be this one:


    steveagain likes this.
  7. The Movember threads. Man, they were funny and the competition between Lord Charles and hailfrank as to who could pose in the best* oufit was tense, to say the least :D.

    *most revealing/weird/scary
    Lord Charles likes this.
  8. Terrordales

    Terrordales Nightshift

    No more pics like that, I'm still receiving therapy :D
  9. OHMAGOD ! Baybirmingham , you are at the top of mine and jack the cat"s Christmas card list mate < how I have tried to find that thread (to no avail ,till now) ta for that geezer ! (well ok , including Jack the cat was perhaps a bit cheesy , Jack my cat so does not do Christmas cards but....if he did )
  10. Right stop right now ! too funny ,way 2 funny, , read the Ist four posts ,had to stop ,ribs hurting a lot! tommy cooper is in my hallway snorting speed ,the Marx brothers are in my kitchen rustling up some scoff and Joe brand is at the door punting Avon catalogues , I"ll take any one of that lot rather than re-read those crazy posts ! (there are some seriously crazy/inventive folks here ,people!! !)like, string theory ?,cos u were poor ?>nice ,really nice!
  11. Poptop2

    Poptop2 Administrator

    Embarrassing moments V1!

    Absolutely brilliant!
    dog and Terrordales like this.
  12. Terrordales

    Terrordales Nightshift

    That was one of the all time great threads :thumbsup:

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