Interesting stuff on ebay

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Keith.H, Oct 22, 2013.

  1. bloodyell :eek: I'll give anyone a tenner if they can name all those parts.
  2. Who do you want to give it to?
    @zed or @Paul Weeding ?
    Paul Weeding likes this.
  3. :lol: they can't play! They know too much. Well I'll start the list off then...

    bored now

    I give up!!!
    Last edited: Oct 22, 2013
  4. was jokin about the tenner BTW...I'm skint :rolleyes:
  5. I can name most of those parts, but they are worth just about as much as they sold for.
    Kruger likes this.
  6. I am such a saddo...
    Part of the sliding door mechanism - the big thing on the top left
    Plastic finger cup of door opener
    Cab Door handle rubber seal
    Bulkhead retainer clip for passenger seat
    72wilma likes this.
  7. Kruger

    Kruger Sponsor

    Being honest, there's not a lot there worth having!
  8. :lol: I think I can name everything on there... might be a couple of bits due to the picture size :D
  9. There was in his other stuff :)

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