just spotted this on ebay

Discussion in 'Late Bay Parts Classifieds' started by CraigyP, Sep 23, 2011.

  1. :yeah that:
  2. Moons

    Moons Guest

    The seller is selling the whole van starting at £7500 for a RHD Malaga, which i would imagine is a pretty good pricem if anyone is interested!
  3. spongebob

    spongebob Supporter

    with 13 mins to go, will wait and watch for any frantic last minute bidding & outbidding...always fun when you're not involved!!
  4. spongebob

    spongebob Supporter

    my guess is £141.90..
  5. Some one had a bargain. £77 8)
  6. delilah

    delilah Sponsor

    Anyone on here get it?

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