My name is Colin, and I have a problem............

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by CollyP, Aug 12, 2013.

  1. colin colin , tlba club starts at 6.30 1.30 5.00 , and after 12.oo
  2. ive just had a cheese n onion bap n lemonade , im not addicted to beero_O
  3. CollyP

    CollyP Moderator

    @Barneyrubble could you please clarify your acronym. If the 'a' stands for alcoholics, tell me where to sign up! :)
    Sun is defo over the yard arm and all that!
  4. CollyP

    CollyP Moderator

    I'm not addicted to beer either - it is my crutch until I can get more vin rouge
  5. a is for addict or ar.............. nt you one now!!!
  6. CollyP

    CollyP Moderator

    I'm about to go cold turkey (or back to work as it's otherwise known) :-(
  7. @CollyP - hows the camping going, been anywhere else recently?
  8. CollyP

    CollyP Moderator

    Hi @Mabel guys - I have been back to Ashurst about three times since!!!
    We are taking the bus away to the Isle of Wight on Sunday - I hope all goes well.

    how are you doing? Still throwing your balls around? :)
  9. yep - still juggling :) done a few sites closer to home lately - nice one near you in kent - see school house farm in kent in the camping section. kids been with you again - they still enjoying it?
  10. CollyP

    CollyP Moderator

    been twice with the kids and once with the girlfriend. Kids was more successful! ;-)
  11. Just had a look at the school house, looks nice and only a bout 40 minutes from home. I used to laugh at a mate who lived in dover and went caravanning in folkestone but it makes sense really. Most of the time you drive around working and never stop to take in the local area and what it offers. Time to take stock.
    CollyP and Barneyrubble like this.
  12. I GOT SENT ON AN anger management COURSE through the courts , because i wanted to see my wains , the evil wee Illegitimate child i was married to ,went through everything about me to the courts . which i fought tooth and nail , i asked to court and her legal team to produce all the evidence of hitting her hospital reports , photos , police reports etc etc , none could be found , or PRODUCED . so they then said take a look at him your honour , he s a big lad , WEE THINK HE SHOULD go to anger management , not a fook says i . my legal time said do it cause they dont think you have the balls to go on it . so i walked into court and said when does it START , blank looks all round , lol

    i went on the course 7 months , probation service , womens aid, lesbians are us brigade , police etc etc ,

    first night 18 men from all over , i was last in ,
    feck was my first thought when i walked in
    this place is full of NUTTERS

    believe me it was
    u couldnt have written it if u wanted to , probation service rep

    ill go round to the right eaCh MAN give his name and the reason he s been sent her , and please dont hold back .
    first one man name is john am here because i HATE HER SHE S A bas_____rd i only hit her 3 times
    second one same as yer man there i only hit her 7 times
    3rd i only broke her arm
    4th i only left her in hospital etc
    etc etc etc
    my turn
    my name is owen am f---------king here UNDER DUREST ,

  13. o and out of 18 me and 3 others passed

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