not vw related but funny book to read

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by tinworm, Aug 11, 2013.

  1. ' Marie Potter and the Campervan of Doom'. not a vw but it is funny. The trials and tribulations of living and driving around Europe. worth a read. :eek:)
    Dubweiser and oxiderenegade like this.
  2. Cheers mate ,will check it out (advantage of living adjacent to the public library)
  3. Ooh dear - difference of opinion here - I started it and couldn't finish it. Not my kind of humour, I'm afraid, and a few other reasons (I know - each to their own and all that!).

    I'm now reading The Long and Whining Road about a family's world tour in a T25 whilst busking Beatles songs and I'm really enjoying that one though :thumbsup:
    Dubweiser likes this.
  4. mrs. moosey. i've just started reading that one now. am enjoying it so far.
    Mrs Moosey likes this.
  5. I got a signed copy of that mrs. moosey from busfest last year. Simeon was in one of the halls with his family and bus trying to recoup some of his costs no doubt. Lovely family and wonderful book. There are also web links to watch some of their "gigs"

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