WANTED Overridders

Discussion in 'Late Bay Parts Classifieds' started by nicko_1982, Jul 15, 2013.

  1. Wanted - Overridders for a late bay
    please drop me a message if you have any for sale?
  2. Try the samba vw that's where I got mine . They are hard to find tho good luck.
  3. MorkC68

    MorkC68 Administrator

    they come up on ebay occaisionally - there was a pair a couple of weeks back!
  4. There's none on TS at the mo from what I can see (plenty of prototype bay ones) - I do have a full set for Late Bay, 100% correct (each overider is individually part numbered), complete with clamps (often missing) and a set of NoS VWoA rubbers, the only thing that's missing is the rubber strips that go between the overrider and bumper but that is easy enough to get hold of, in fact I might have a length of it around somewhere now I come to think of it.

    I'll let them go but they won't be cheap .....
  5. Kleift en klock have a set @ 495 euros :thumbsup:
  6. Bargain at half the price .....

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