Poorly Mrs TW

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Tuesday wildchild, May 9, 2013.

  1. We've thought about getting chickens, but eat so few eggs it would be daft!
  2. Tuesday wildchild

    Tuesday wildchild I'm a circle!

    I bet your neighbours wouldn't say no to a few fresh free range eggs.

    When had girls and went on holiday who ever looked after them got the eggs and we never had problems finding someone to look after the girls.

    Your never taste anything as good.
    Mrs Moosey likes this.
  3. Terrordales

    Terrordales Nightshift

    The way this thread went egg shaped, reminded me of this series of commercials starring the late great Tony Hancock ( I don't actually remember the ads but remember the slogan) "Go to work on an egg"

  4. Tell her to get well soon if only to stabilise your cholesterol levels. Eggs look epic btw! not sure about the chilli oil though!
    Tuesday wildchild likes this.
  5. Tuesday wildchild

    Tuesday wildchild I'm a circle!

    Will do Dicky and all who have posted.

    The drugs A&E gave her seem to doing the trick as I've not heard her cough like a 60yearold on 60 a day for an hour now.
  6. get well soon Mrs TW[​IMG]
    Mrs Moosey and Tuesday wildchild like this.

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