Rapid Response

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Mary, Oct 27, 2013.

  1. Having lived in London for 14 years and missed the Edgware Road bombings (2005) by 15 mins (decided to catch an earlier tube) I am quite aware of the city's Rapid Response Unit's, these are normally red and silver police cars with officers armed to the teeth with all sorts of automatic killing machines

    So, having spent the last 5 days in Hospital undergoing an Angioplasty I was quite tickled to just how far the words" Rapid Response" have been emitted into the English language keeping up with the times, here is the hospitals interpretation of "the times"


    tho I didn't see any armed porters on the ward :lol:
    paradox, Barneyrubble and beatnick like this.
  2. Poptop2

    Poptop2 Administrator

    Blimey 12 year old with heart problems:lol:

    Hope you get well soon Michael:thumbsup:
    Mary likes this.
  3. good luck with the blockage, take care , and dont slip on the wet floor if you pee yourself:thumbsup:
    Mary likes this.
  4. Cheers Malc, no complications, but.. another 2 to go, that's six blockages since 2009, still, it's better they have been discovered than undiscovered as prevention is better than cure, btw 12 and 3/4's
    Poptop2 likes this.
  5. Poptop2

    Poptop2 Administrator

    No sheep in that there Londinium though bud just organised chaos on a grand scaleo_O
    Mary likes this.
  6. sex blockages blimey and all at 12 n 3/4s :eek:
    Lofty and Mary like this.
  7. I used to drive fast response, in an Astra GTE 16v, the one with the electronic speedo, it wouldn't go any faster than 135mph, no matter what...

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