Recommendation needed....

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by earlybaybob, Oct 24, 2013.

  1. ....On fridges for my van:

    Mains hook and battery
    Cheap ish
    Do they do integrated in that size?
  2. Waeco if you can afford it, they do some good cool boxes if you can't afford the fridges with similar volume capacities
  3. Mine's Vitrifrigo, same compressor unit as a Waeco (I think) and similar price, but the physical dimensions better fitted what we wanted to do with the interior. Not cheap though, I don't think any of the proper compressor fridges are.
    earlybaybob likes this.
  4. Waeco do compressor and peltier cool boxes. Make sure you understand the difference, compressor = use much less power, get colder, more expensive.
  5. matty

    matty Supporter

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