FREE Side step

Discussion in 'Late Bay Parts Classifieds' started by 1973daisey, Nov 16, 2014.

  1. Side step off my bay !! Only did 1 trip as my bus was to Low and both brackets snapped off but the step it's self if is ok may be useful if u can just buy the brackets for it !!
    S1mon likes this.
  3. apologies for shouting there but if its straight then yes please. Mines a bit tarnished and that looks shinier!
    1973daisey likes this.
  4. davidoft

    davidoft Sponsor

    Tripped!! Eh? Maybe it broke from all the brides being lifted into the van, I assume you have a cab curtain so they can get busy on the journey home :)
    Dicky and 1973daisey like this.
  5. Where are you?

    Interested in the step :D
  6. Urs Chris
    Dicky likes this.
  7. Broke it on way bak from volksworld
  8. If Chris backs out - can I have it please.

    1973daisey likes this.
  9. Do you want shut soon?
    1973daisey likes this.
  10. davidoft

    davidoft Sponsor

    To many cakes ;)
    1973daisey likes this.
  11. No bud u want it at t/e ill clean it up for u and that can be 1 of ur jobs if u like matey ?
  12. TE would be perfect but will you be able to bring it if you have a wedding before!!
    1973daisey likes this.
  13. I went to pick mrs daisy and kids up after getting home from volksworld and pulled off the curb and bang !! Snapped the 2 brackets but this bit survived and just left it off as bus to low for it
  14. Yes bud the bus will be full as going up to Leeds on the wed everything gets unloaded into awning (mrs daisy & kids included) off to wedding shiney and bows !! Then back to camp site load her back up matey !! On the Friday and head down to t/e be no bother at all matey !! I'll be honest I did a tip run today and it was in the car but got there had a change of heart !!! Knew some one would make use of it !!

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