FREE Steel wheels

Discussion in 'Late Bay Parts Classifieds' started by top banana racing, Jun 5, 2016.

  1. with rubbish tyres but hold air, great for moving your bus around while you get yours refurbed.
    COLLECTION ONLY from Burford, Oxon.
  2. Yours Chris.
    5 left!
  3. You doing Bristol Volsfest?
  4. Unfortunately not, stupidly I booked a weekend away thinking why do those dates ring a bell, doh!
  5. Yes all 14"
    chrisgooner likes this.
  6. Hi, could I have four if still available please, collect Wednesday evening?
  7. I can leave them out for you. I am away but they'll be on my drive and someone is always in. PM me.
  8. Pm'd

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