stripping paint

Discussion in 'Mech Tech' started by robmich, Jun 2, 2013.

  1. Hi All
    was wondering what methods people have used to stip the paint off engine tinware,im guessing sand blasting would be the easiest,is it expensive,how hard is it to do by hand sanding?
  2. Media blasting is the easiest and best way

    Ive used a mixture of wire brushes in a drill and grinder along with hand sanding on mine and it takes ages and is really tedious

    Easiest all round is to take them all to a powdercoaters who will blast them then powedercoat them
    Its not as pretty as properly painting them but its a hell of a lot easier
  3. What did you pay for the lot to be powder coated Paradox?
  4. I didnt i painted mine

    I think its about £150 to £200 to powdercoat a full set of tinware but im not 100% certain
    Im sure someone will be along soon to let you know what they paid

    Painting is cheaper and gives a prettier finish i think but its a hell of a lot of work and prep to do well


  5. I paid £120 I think, all tinware for a T4 engine plus engine bar mount thingy !
    That was for blasting and powdercoating.
  6. Zed

    Zed Gradually getting grumpier

    £60-£80 for a T1 set, degrease them first if they're caked in oil though, it's only polite.
    More for T4 as there are a lot more pieces.
  7. My guy charges around £240 for a set of type 4 tins, but that includes £70 odd pounds worth of gas as he's not on a main up here!!

    Also everything is hot zinc primed, and hot coated with the powder before final bake!! It's proper OTT, but it's never going to need doing again!! :)
  8. paradox likes this.

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