surprise parcel

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by jivedubbin, Jun 5, 2013.

  1. If you were to get a surprise parcel , what would you like it to be , a bit like the letter that came today on the back it said it was from the PIE center , i thought ,brilliant they are writing to tell me ive got pies , when i put my glasses on it turned out to be from the PTE center and was a phone bill:(
    Imallowedout likes this.
  2. rickyrooo1

    rickyrooo1 Hanging round like a bad smell

    sometimes the dog greets me with a supprise parcel and i don't want it.
  3. 4' cubed packed stacked neatly with £50 notes, would be quite nice :D
    b0dyr0ck2006 likes this.
  4. Thats just poo
  5. bernjb56

    bernjb56 Supporter

    I'd like a 1952 Chevrolet 1/2 ton pick up please. Just leave it round the back :)
  6. Thats fine but it willl not fit in a parcel , well not one the posty could bring
  7. bernjb56

    bernjb56 Supporter

    Okay - it will have to be cheese then.
    Dubweiser, Mrs Moosey and buttercup like this.
  8. cheapskate
    bernjb56 likes this.
  9. Ooh Ooh Ooh ... please Mr Jivedubbin, can I have tickets to Australia in my surprise parcel (they needn't be return ones - I don't want to appear greedy), and they won't cost much to post, either :)

    Thank you very much
    Ermintrude, Terrordales and Dubweiser like this.
  10. premium bond win would be nice the 750k would do just fine thanks
  11. PS - sorry you didn't get pies
  12. Jason Statham please
  13. bernjb56

    bernjb56 Supporter

    Cheese Nigel - not fish ;)
    jivedubbin, pyroking and Mrs Moosey like this.
  14. If it has to be a parcel (and therefore cannot be too big and bulky) then I suppose I'd have to go for the most valuable thing I can possibly get by weight. Excluding all the substances that would cause you harm if delivered to your door in any great quantity (Plutonium, Californium 252, tritium) and substances that are illegal (methamphetamine, cocaine, heroin, LSD) then I'd have to go for a nice big parcel of diamonds please. :D
    Majorhangover likes this.
  15. It would contain a gift box ,inlaid with say silk ,containing a gift voucher for a as- long -as it- takes- session on a rolling road ,of which all opinions of data from said machine/adjustments /replacement parts, to be considered/done by Britains top bloke/expert on Voltswagens /rolling roads <I would be well gruntled if that were delivered to my address(I assume gruntled means happy as dis gruntled seems to mean unhappy?)
  16. Ohhhhh, a parcel of wine, gin or a combination..... Don't mind how its packaged or if it doesn't fit through my letter box!........ I will wait in.......
    Ermintrude likes this.
  17. I'll have a pair of 60's shoes where the sole DOESN'T fall off, 7" of Prince Buster's 'All My Loving', some pama violets, 3 meters of 3 ply Tonik fabric and a pink camera that's drop/drink/sand/Millie proof please. Second class is fine, I'm in no rush.
    steveagain likes this.
  18. Taylor Swift reading the latest copy of Camper & Bus please??
  19. Terrordales

    Terrordales Nightshift

    A supply of rare & unusual Malt Whisky please.

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