FREE Swap my PMS3-H for your PMS3-V

Discussion in 'Late Bay Parts Classifieds' started by olires, Jun 16, 2016.

  1. Hi

    I have a PMS3-H (horizontal) power management system. It's about 3 years old.

    My layout really suits a PMS3-V (vertical).

    Just posting on the off-chance that someone's in the opposite situation and wants to do a swap.

  2. turn it on it's side...:hattip:
    Lasty and chad like this.
  3. i dont even know what one is or does
  4. mufchuck, it's a 240v power distribution board, fuse board, and battery charger in one.

    @lost-en-france, that's my plan short term. I'm just too much of an OCD-merchant for me to be happy with it!
    lost-en-france likes this.

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