Things that make you go hmmm ?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Mary, Oct 27, 2013.

  1. I'm sure you've all got some, so here's a few to start it off:

    Why is Charlie short for Charles when they are both spelt with 7 letters ?
    Why are they called hamburgers when there's no ham in them ?
    Why is it called American Football when its not a ball and it's plaYed with the hands and not feet ?
    oh and why is it called the world series when only Americans enter it ?

    things that may me go "hmmm ?
  2. If VWs are as reliable as everyone says they are, why do we constantly worry about breakdowns ?
  3. that sir, is forever on my mind everytime I turn the key, I am dreading my first......... :(
  4. I find shoving my fingers into the nearest mains socket makes me go "hmmmmmmmmmmmm".
  5. kev


    how many people actually break down thou
  6. Tuesday wildchild

    Tuesday wildchild I'm a circle!

    Don't know how many people breakdown but it seems a lot of old VW's do. :D
    kev and Mary like this.
  7. Brill hahahahahahahahahahah
    Tilly likes this.
  8. so do a lot of new ones, ask any Passat driver

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