Think my health regime is not very good for me!

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Stan, Apr 10, 2013.

  1. Recently I decided it was time to ditch the sedimentary life style and try to get back to my active self.

    Sat in office at 'puter, 2-3 hours sat on the motorway daily, evening putting little one to bed making tea then before you know it , bedtime!

    4 weeks ago I stood on the scales and ot a shock! Althogh not a lardy as such ita more than I should be for age and height ! Anyway panic stations.

    I instantly stopped drinking red wine altogether, no booze at all! No cheese, reduce food portions a little, no sweets, crisps or cakes (typical bloke mainly savoury)! Fab! Then I went back to running during lunch time at work. I hate running its more boring than a gym! But determined I have carried on every week.

    After 1.5 weeks I lost a stone straight away, wow I thought. Now its dropping slowly every day, I dont overdo it or go mad( too busy panting during the run) I am managing to run further every week before I have to stop, so motivationally its good, but I think the shower afterwards has just as much benefit!

    So why am I making my life miserable by purposely depriving myself of things I like an forcing myself into pain in the hope I am healthier???!

    On top of this I do the normal van work and rush around tidying the house for viewings every week, surely this must be helping?


    Has anyone else been tempted to give up nice things for the sake of health?
  2. this - gave us the drink for 7 weeks after christmas but compensated by eating more. to be fair I did stop karate for 4 weeks which didnt help. anyways back to karate and having the occasional tipple with the aim to drop a few lbs.
    Stan likes this.
  3. More a case of having to :(
    Stick with it, the consequences of not doing what you are doing are not something to aspire to.
    Stan likes this.
  4. Thanks. I have always been active my whole life until my little girl was born, so 3 years of not doing much? But she is getting bigger she now has a bike and my plan is to make a bike rak that sits on my tow bar, so we can cycle together.

    I do feel better and ironically my posture has improves from running which I find strange?
  5. Zed

    Zed Gradually getting grumpier

    Is that where you eat lots of chocolate layer cake?
    Stan likes this.
  6. Haha not quite, although my weakness is Pain au Raisins , COOP the best!
  7. Last year i had a cholestoral check and was shocked by the results , i gave up chocolate , cake , biscuits , fatty stuff , cheese etc etc , life was a misery until i went back for a second check only to be told i had been given the wrong results the first time . I am more carefull now with " The bad stuff "
  8. Wow! Thats a shocker? Mind you if you carry on as you are its got to be easier now.
  9. Ever had your cholestoral checked ? not meaning to scare you but its good to know whats going on
  10. No I have not, probably should really? Fortunately I hardly ever eat junk but then there is that one where its passed down from your family isn't it?

    Now you have me thinking!
    jivedubbin likes this.
  11. Fresh French is the best...:thumbsup:

    I am quite active so I can pour loads of c**p into my body ,wine,beer,crisps,chocolate,chips the lot...:beer:

    cycling is better than running for injuries etc...
  12. Well of course it is, I love them over there! There is a Universal Physics law - the smaller the shop in the furthest most remote part of France the tastier the cakes!
    However living on the sunny side of Manchester its a little difficult to get the real thing ,although CoOp are Delifrance supplied fresh daily from their industrial estate somewhere in Denton no doubt! :rolleyes:

    Cycling is stage 2, just too much of a faff at the moment at work , but its on the cards soon.
  13. Flakey

    Flakey Supporter

    Where the hell is the sunny side of Manchester?
    Mrs Moosey and Stan like this.
  14. hailfrank

    hailfrank Admin esq.

    I've given up caffeine.
  15. I did that as well. Had terrible headaches the first few days but took painkillers (not realising they contained caffeine and so defeated the object in the firstplace) Have switched to de-caff now though as I can't give up tea completely.
  16. About 60 miles North in Lakes (on a good day) hahahaha
    Flakey likes this.

  17. we know...:lol:

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