Time is the master..

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by carlot25, Sep 20, 2013.

  1. It's always amazed me about time. We humans have a future in years but the universe always has a past.
  2. Recently the very very clever physics guys said no real? understanding of time exists, they are still trying to get a handle on it ,Richard Fynemann (killer physicist)said the time arrow/equation runs in at least 2 directions one is what we refer to as backwards ,and when an equation runs backwards ,so to should the situation ergo, time ? travel should be possible, its like when in a Q, and person at front leaves, everyone moves forward, right? but did the vacated space move in reverse?<for the physicists in TLB, i"m using a lot of words in this post "loosely" e.g. time ,forward,backwords.... gravity, anyone? string theory, 37 dimentions, why do "gear"? >read physics.
    carlot25 likes this.
  3. Gravity is what makes Brian Cox's hair all floppy.
  4. Terrible at maths and studied other heavenly bodies more.
    womball likes this.
  5. Could be 2 pertinent universes. The known visible which we keep expanding the boundaries of with each new discovery and technological leap. And the meta universe which is the sum of all known and to be known universes. This has no boundaries, beginning or end. In the end though we are all star children and the universe exists between our ears. Time's arrow flies neither forward nor back.
  6. Poptop2

    Poptop2 Administrator

    I would like a Delorean!
    carlot25 likes this.
  7. Are you referring to the same guy referred to in Melle Mel's White lines:

    The lines "A businessman is caught with 24 kilos / He's out on bail and out of jail and that's the way it goes" refers to car manufacturer John DeLorean, who in 1982 became entrapped in a scheme to save his company from bankruptcy using drug money ?
    Top Banana Racing likes this.
  8. Woodylubber

    Woodylubber Obsessive compulsive name changer

    Carl your a great bloke, proper salt of the earth :thumbsup: but have you had some dodgy gear lately ;)
    carlot25 likes this.
  9. Poptop2

    Poptop2 Administrator

    Yes - the car in "Back to the future" saw one on sunday at the Coventry car museum.

    Read H G Wells when I was 12 and decided I never liked the idea of time travel as I would either grow old very quickly or die from young age!
    carlot25 likes this.
  10. Been listening to dub side of the moon?
    carlot25 likes this.
  11. But wasn"t the car dude found not guilty ? was article in Sunday paper re one of the gold cars he had manufactured as promo gig for the company ,fella in the States has it in his garage, looks fab.(the car )
  12. How I understand time is that there are different events that can cause the butterfly effect, effecting the future and the past. The present is merely what a brain interoperates to be right given the restriction of what we perceive to be reality given are past experiences and conditioning. I have often wondered what it would be like to live with no external influences (impossible I know) but it would be interesting to see how we perceive are given reality
    carlot25 likes this.
  13. Time and relative dimension in space
    rickyrooo1 likes this.
  14. rickyrooo1

    rickyrooo1 Hanging round like a bad smell

    well done for not putting dimensions.
    carlot25 likes this.
  15. rickyrooo1

    rickyrooo1 Hanging round like a bad smell

    alcohol is what makes @poptop2 's cock all floppy..... everything is relative.
    Owen Snell and snotty like this.
  16. Poptop2

    Poptop2 Administrator

    shut up you tart we are making tea n toast by the river and we need some decorum if you please.
  17. rickyrooo1

    rickyrooo1 Hanging round like a bad smell

    are we? oh no we aren't i'm here ALONE again.
  18. Poptop2

    Poptop2 Administrator

    Its just me n Will eight miles from home chillin in the van right by the Severn at Arley, be home by 11 tomoz.

    Where is Lou?
  19. rickyrooo1

    rickyrooo1 Hanging round like a bad smell

    wolves, i'm drinking beer eating sweets and farting without a "tut" after each one what's not to like?
    carlot25 likes this.
  20. Poptop2

    Poptop2 Administrator

    Not a lot, xhamster later then lol
    icepug likes this.

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