Trailer for sale

Discussion in 'Non Late Bay Classifieds' started by flashar, Sep 2, 2013.

  1. image.jpg image.jpg image.jpg image.jpg
    I bought this with the intention of re boarding and painting the same colour as my bus however I don't have the time and it will stand for the next year taking up space in the garage so looking for a good home. Offers welcome.
  2. where are you in the great wide country ?
  3. Leicester buddy.
  4. How come you are selling a trailer
    and looking for a tow bar at the same time :confused::confused::confused:
  5. To be honest it was your carrier basket on your "Grifter" gave it away :chewie:
    flashar likes this.
  6. Bought another trailer that needs no work doing..... With a lid and bike rack.
  7. Ah that explains it, you now own a T2 with a bike rack :p
    flashar likes this.
  8. trailer now sold:thumbsup:

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