Waiting for the bank to open

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Zed, Feb 18, 2013.

  1. Zed

    Zed Gradually getting grumpier

    [rant] Why do they not open until 10:00am and then only weekdays? If I need to go into my local, by the time I get to work it's 11:00am - that's a chunk of my day wasted. They won't let me transfer funds between business and private accounts on the internet, telephone or using a cash machine. Arse. That's Lloyds BTW. When I banked at HSBC all this was a breeze on automated telephone, but I had to change banks as HSBC stopped liking me when I became poor. [/rant]
    DaisyMae and Honky like this.
  2. i had the same problem with barclays cos i was n't moving money they closed my account, there loss W.....rs
  3. Zed

    Zed Gradually getting grumpier

    Got it in one. If I'd paid 1p in at some point everyone would have been happy apparently.
    pmacs49 likes this.
  4. Zed

    Zed Gradually getting grumpier

    Oops just checked on the web and they opened at 9:00am. :rolleyes:
  5. it would of cos them more in adminstration and closing of the account than they would of made if i had a grand in it. which i did not. when tiny tot posted on FB about barclays and i said they were w.....s some one replied from barclays to tiny tot, they did not respond to my comment lol.
  6. Big business will do what suits big business. I used to not pay attention, but in recent months I have noticed this creeping lack-of-caring caused by companies being too huge, global and powerful.
  7. Zed

    Zed Gradually getting grumpier

    To ex is too huge, global and powerful, she insists on paying her half of the mortgage at the 12th hour without warning and so now I have to waste the morning begging for a larger overdraft because she refuses to nip to the bank at lunchtime... and she wonders why I find her annoying. :rolleyes:
    Lord Congi likes this.

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