
Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Poptop2, Sep 21, 2013.

  1. Poptop2

    Poptop2 Administrator

    Do you say wasp or wosp?
  2. Jasper. :)
  3. Jasper too
    Or waspie.
  4. Evil, vindictive c*** works for me :p
    sjhjoinery and johnnysensi like this.
  5. Hey luis .....u arnt related to me .....are you .....just see your name......my cousins name ......im a sanchez loool
  6. Tuesday wildchild

    Tuesday wildchild I'm a circle!

    Bloody hell the grow big out here.:eek:
  7. Wosp
    Poptop2 likes this.
  8. Pod


    Annoying little s***s:mad:
  9. Here we go here's some off your small ones we had with us over the summer in Erquy.

  10. Poptop2

    Poptop2 Administrator

    Swatted one earlier but missed - in a nano second he was 10 yards away - boy can them things move?:eek:
  11. If you have a wasp nest behind air bricks etc and you kill the wasps , leave the nest where it is as wasps respect other colonies territory and one look at the nest from 'scouts ' and they'll bugger off never to return .
    johnnysensi likes this.
  12. Terrordales

    Terrordales Nightshift

    I never call them, I'm allergic to anything that stings.
  13. Ni
    Nice tip bro....never knew that....
  14. Latino is the new black lol Portuguese dad so......
  15. Really does work, natures way of avoiding wasp wars.
  16. Nasty little ba$tards - one stung me last week proper painful - I flicked it off then it landed on the dog and stung her as well - dog went all dopey for the next 3 hours - didn;t even manage to kill the damn thing after all that (the wasp not the dog).
    steveagain likes this.
  17. matty

    matty Supporter

    Fire arse

    Been a nightmare this year we went on holiday to come back and find they had killed one of my bee hives severely weakened the others and nicked all this years honey
    mkethef likes this.
  18. Sorry to hear that matty. I take my hat off to you few bee keepers , battling to prevent the rest of us from starving to death.
  19. Tuesday wildchild

    Tuesday wildchild I'm a circle!

    If you don't mind a lack of air flow which could cause your wood floor to become damp and rot in time.

    Never leave a block or part blocked air brick in this way if may cost you in the long run.
  20. The nest in my instance was not directly behind the air brick , but to one side out of the draught , which I am sure is not a random act by the colony. You are of course correct regarding keeping air bricks clear.

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