WANTED Westfalia rear hinge roof

Discussion in 'Late Bay Parts Classifieds' started by 21Window, Oct 22, 2013.

  1. Hi,

    Anyone have a Westy rear hinge roof for sale? I expect most people have them in use on their vans! If you have a spare or no of one please let me know :)
  2. Can`t help I`m afraid but they do crop up on ebay occasionally - stupid money though ...
  3. rickyrooo1

    rickyrooo1 Hanging round like a bad smell

    naturally! you get what you pay for :lol: westy for the win.
  4. Just had a quick looksee - £900 inc front rack .
    That`s what I paid for my whole westy-ish van 20 years ago ....o_O
  5. ok.... got the roofrack now....just the rear hinging section! Keep looking on eBay

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