what is this bottom one called

Discussion in 'Mech Tech' started by kenregency, Oct 18, 2013.

  1. kenregency

    kenregency Guest

    what do i order for this ball joint ?

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  2. er....? a bottom ball joint? not sure what you're asking KR
  3. kenregency

    kenregency Guest

    im not sure what to order i can split it and must get the correct kit
  4. sANDYbAY

    sANDYbAY On benefits-won't sponsor!

    The bottom one is called Peter.
    The top one is Mildred
    If you want both just order Mr & Mrs Balljoint

    Hope that helped.
  5. kenregency

    kenregency Guest

    i just rang just kampers and they said that isnt what they are called someone is pulling my leg:thinking: hope your telling the truth bob:thinking:
  6. Ring during opening hours. You probably spoke to the cleaner or night security. :D
    Majorhangover and paradox like this.
  7. kenregency

    kenregency Guest

    bob will believe me he is not that quick:thumbsup:
  8. if you order a Lower Balljoint, it should come with everything you'll need ...old one needs to be pressed out and the new one pressed in...they can be tough going without a press (cue disparaging remarks from everyone who's done it with an old socket and a vice....)
  9. Zed

    Zed Gradually getting grumpier

    If you mean the large suspension balljoint (your pic is crap Ken), you need to remove the shock, remove the anti roll bar, split upper and lower ball joints, catch the hub/brakes and rest on something, remove the upper torsion arm, THEN take it somewhere with not only a press, but the right collet to take the pressure on just the 2 little tab holes used for lining them up.
  10. kenregency

    kenregency Guest

    about time steve been waiting for you but now read the book and said exactly what you said so i decided for it to go to mick the volk in crow lane as he is pricing the other work this weekend.
  11. kenregency

    kenregency Guest

    i have read up and remember trying one years ago on old car and was quite hard to get in ended up getting it pressed in on a press it was like a hydrulic press .
    thank you for your help :thumbsup:
  12. Zed

    Zed Gradually getting grumpier

    Upper and lower joints are the same.
  13. I still have the scars to remind me....:lol:
  14. kenregency

    kenregency Guest

    it was only the dust covers so ordered 4 new ones all in hand now:chewie::chewie:
  15. matty

    matty Supporter

    i got a refubed arm complete with new ball joint from coolair don't know if the still do them but its was very reasonable
    Majorhangover likes this.
  16. matty

    matty Supporter

  17. kenregency

    kenregency Guest

  18. rickyrooo1

    rickyrooo1 Hanging round like a bad smell

    the covers are easy to change, i've got it down to 1/2 hour tops.
    kenregency likes this.
  19. kenregency

    kenregency Guest

    the garage vwant £120 both sides 4 rubbers
  20. rickyrooo1

    rickyrooo1 Hanging round like a bad smell

    jesus! i've done all mine at techenders, once you work out how to do them it really is easy - cost me about £6 per boot, make sure they note the position of the ball joint - it's eggshaped and affects the camber if not put back the same way (there's a little dent knocked into it so you can put it back the same place)

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