When was the...

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Paul Weeding, Jun 4, 2013.

  1. ....last time you used cmd?

    or something related to the 90s?? :lol:
  2. You mean a command line on a computer?
  3. I do :D I said cmd to see who knew what it was ;)
  4. I passed the test, then :thumbsup: .

    Don't use cmd so much, but regularly fire up "terminal" on my Mac for command line stuff. Dear old Unix hasn't changed much in 30 years - he's like an old, rather careworn mate. I delight in telling snuffling, tank-top-wearing "devs" that we were using this stuff while they were still an ovum...
    Paul Weeding and steveagain like this.
  5. about 10 mins ago when I was using DOS commands to do some scripting of file renames. lol

    Old skool!
  6. Pretty much every day...
  7. hoi! less of the "old stuff 90"s will you ? when I started work the office had the ultimate in high tech cool >>one massive ticker tape machine for really really fast communication with other branches,and I am not joking !
  8. Terrordales

    Terrordales Nightshift

    I still remember Telegram Boys ............. now THAT'S old school :p
    fritt and Paul Weeding like this.
  9. I use it everyday.. 5 hours ago at work

    Ipconfig /all

    Gpupdate /force. To name just 2 commands

    It is still a very powerful and useful tool for network controlling.

    Easier than doing things in another piece of pointless software.
  10. Every day.
  11. CollyP

    CollyP Moderator

  12. CMD?
    That's Camden railway Station. :)
    Or possibly Canis Major Dwarf, a galaxy far far away. ;)
  13. C:\*****
  14. Ha Terrordales ! Telegrams eh? my pal used to call in at local post office on way home from school and would sometimes get a telegram to deliver locally and he was paid the fee off sixpence(approx. 2.5 new ,yes new pence) I was sooo jealous ! > sixpence bought a lot of sweets !>for your info;, my mate never ever bought sweets with the fee,he now owns a very successful company (my teeth ,on the other hand are woefull)
  15. The last time the laptop got a virus i should think :)

    del C:\dodgyfiles *.*

    Then gave up and went format C:

    didn't bother with /s as you don't have to any more :)
  16. Did they ride red BSA Bantams too? :D

    Seem to recall using DOS 3 on a luggable PC ...6" green screen :eek:
  17. Terrordales

    Terrordales Nightshift

    NO, that would have been way to modern ......... they had red pushbikes ;)
    steveagain likes this.
  18. I use it almost every day...and I *still* try to use 'ls' rather than 'dir'
  19. WTF are you lot talking about???
  20. Ah Terrordales , gone are the days when the mail delivery technician was "The Postie" and he knew yer name and would chap old missus Smith"s door if there were too many unused/filled milk bottles on the doorstep, just so he knew she was ok.And he whistled "Streets of London" as he did his round in that "Green and pleasant land"< sadly ,now long gone.
    Terrordales likes this.

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