Yesterday ..

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Jestermans, Aug 12, 2013.

  1. Well in fact two yesterday's ago finished ;

    Worked on Friday and cooked a fab meal after a trying week from Slater's Cook Book and we watched the Island DVD

    Took the two younger jesters to Milton Keynes to try for a ski lesson - four hours round trip in. Golf Tdi ( 57 mpg ) and found out they well be okay for Bulgaria Ski Holiday in January.

    Went to a Mexican. Restaurant the afterwards and whilst the meal was good spent as much on bottle beer and soft drinks

    Went to the Newbury Classic Car Show and displayed and met some amazing people including an Old Timer who had crossed the Outback no less than 4 times in a Combi in the 70''s

    Went to a friend's BBQ by bike with Mrs J and a fab time - fell off on the return home and in the first time in god know how many years face planted oneself and gashed myself big time in the face and was kindly supported by passing cars and passers people. Feck this wax a push bike and i motorbike 8ooo miles every year on motor bike! ( Harley sporster but I buck the norm)

    Now feeling like a Cabbage Patch Doll and slightly less attractive. - that's my two yesterday ' s Fecking face hurts - glasses are shagged!

    Otherwise good!

    oxiderenegade likes this.
  2. Lively, interesting , one for you to remember and when face heals ,laff! >note; bad idea to ride a waxed pushbike , but suppose you now realise that?
    zed and bernjb56 like this.
  3. ouch !

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