Just fitted the 123 dizzy ( vacuum advance version) to my van that’s running a 1600 tp standard engine with a standard solex carb . They are £290. It replaced a cheap 009 and I can say it has made a noticeable difference/ improvement in smooth acceleration and smooth top end speed (60-65) . If you’re thinking of replacing a 009 with a vac adv … buy a 123 if you have the cash !
I have a trip upcoming to the Netherlands at the end of the month and thinking of visiting the 123 store to get a tune+ . At the moment I have what is probably an incorrect 009 with petronix 1 module and just wanted some info on the vacuum hose connections I should make once I switch over ?
What carb(s) do you have? Unless your engine has been significantly modified or you like fiddling with computors you might find it simpler to use a 123VW-4-R-V https://123ignition.com/product/vw-4-r-v/ The 123 tune+ is more expensive and more difficult to set up and you'll probably end up with one of the standard curves anyway.
Twin webers... I just like anythingthat has an app and fiddling... !! But I do have a small laptop I use for the ECU on my Buell so maybe just the USB version will do ...
What Webers? It's easier to ask if your Webers have a vacuum port, but then if you knew that you wouldn't have asked the question in the first place. I wish your engine the very best of luck.
I liked that the tuneable one I had reported the vacuum so I could set the curve to react to that but in all honesty it didn't run noticeably differently if I forgot to attach the vacuum pipe altogether.
Went from single carb to twin weber 34 ICT which have vacuum ports... this started me looking into switching the 009 for something more standard for the engine.
I like that the non-tuneable one can be fitted, timing checked, and then forgotten about. I just don't like anything that has an app and needs fiddling with.
If you know the carbs have vacuum connections what info on the vacuum hose connections do you need? You just connect the carbs to the 123 distributor, unless I'm missing something here.
I have a vague recollection of reading about anti-pulse valves being fitted somewhere in the vacuum line to/ from the carbs, took my old brain I while to figure out what I wanted... Might have been on the Samba though...
I have IDF's and I've T'd both carbs into a vapour trap mounted on the side of the air filter and then down to the 123. Twin choke IDF's don't pull much vacuum, hence using both carbs but your single choke ICT's should be okay from just one carb. A vapour trap/anti-pulse are probably not essential, I used one because I had it lying around.
That answers one question, as I've already t'd both carbs into the vac can on the bus. I've got IDFs on both the 2056 type 4 in the bus and the 1600TP in the buggy. I want to buy a 123 for both eventually. The buggy has a 009 fitted so I'd like to do that one first. Which model do I need and where are they £290, please?
I can answer the price bit: VW Jim does them for £290. But he charges £20 for postage so it's not quite such a good deal in the end.
Or put another way, do you find the vacuum from twin IDFs enough to work the model with vacuum, or leave the ports blocked off on the carbs and get the non vacuum version?
I'm due to go to Amsterdam at the end of the month so investigating how to get a tax free purchase from the 123 shop in Gouda...
Just get the 123 r v would be my recommendation Ian. Works great with the ICTs with vacuum and easy to set up. It comes with 9 (I think?) preset curves you can switch between just by moving the selector on the side. As others have said, it’s just fit and forget, no messing around.