Breaking 79 LHD Westy

Discussion in 'Late Bay Parts Classifieds' started by Paul Weeding, Jan 26, 2014.

  1. Have PM'd you. Thanks :)
    MorkC68 likes this.
  2. Interested in the spare wheel 'cupboard' cover if the laminate is in good condition.

    Also, some of the cupboard doors/lids if the laminate is good - any chance of more pictures?

  3. Glovebox lid?
  4. @paradox got the glovebox lid along with the dash :thumbsup:

    I'm off for a few days guys... Dad duties as Janette has now had her 6 months maternity, and as of today is back at work!!

    So I'll do a full write up of who is having what, and list it on here, along with a list of what is left!! :thumbsup:
    theBusmonkey likes this.
  5. areksilverfish

    areksilverfish Supporter

    Hi Paul,
    Any chance for tailgate latch?

  6. No worries bud, thanks for getting back ;0)
  7. Just to confirm I'm looking for a swivel seat base and swinging table arm, etc.

  8. Zed

    Zed Gradually getting grumpier

    Could you cut off both the rear bump stop fittings? I need the dish with the blob the stop fits to, it looks like a babies dummy which might be familiar.
    Paul Weeding likes this.
  9. and he had the cheek to do the vulcher thing...:D
  10. :lol:

    I knew how desperate he was for a padded dash!! :D
    paradox and lost-en-france like this.
  11. I will be replacing my padded dash soonish
  12. I am after something what nobody else has asked for yet just not sure what it is yet lol:gnome:
    chancee, Paul Weeding and AdyF like this.
  13. I might have a glove box lid comming up soon.
  14. if no one else is interested let me know
  15. I'm gagging for a glovebox lid.....had a wanted ad up and everfing!
  16. Zed

    Zed Gradually getting grumpier

    @Paul Weeding actually before you chop, I'll mark up a photo and see if you can do what I'd like. Ha-ha - I'm sure you can, but will you is what I meant. :)

    The "teats" came off with the stops guv. I might need the mount and a chunk of that side of the chassis on the offside, I can see right through into the chassis. Only supposed to be lowering it. :(
  17. i dont suppose this has the wiring loom in it?? i want it more for a template than anything!
  18. It has, but pulling it out would be a mission!! It has got extra wiring in it for the BA6 Eberspacher...
  19. I'm not ignoring you dude... I've just not been at home to check!! :)
  20. No probs @Paul Weeding just didn't want to be lost in the frenzy :)
    Paul Weeding likes this.

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