Cab door window replacement

Discussion in 'Mech Tech' started by Zebedee, Aug 27, 2011.

  1. I need to replace the window in my cab door.
    I've removed the mech like Haynes manual says but it then says slide the window out the bottom of the door.
    This would be fine if the door didn't have the slidy blue vent in the back bottom corner but it does. :mad:

    I really need glass in my door by this evening, please help.
  2. Well I've now got a non rusty cab door with a good regulator, undamaged glass and a new seal. Took bloody ages and is a bugger to close now. Needs a proper slam to close an latch.
  3. Honky

    Honky Administrator

    This is really hard to explain but it does come out. Camper and Commercial have a how to for this this month.
  4. A couple of months too late for me unfortunately. :(
  5. I'm truely amazed. I thought it wasn't possible (I've tried).

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