Camp Katie. The 30th birthday camping event.

Discussion in 'East Sussex' started by Birdy, May 21, 2012.

  1. Birdy

    Birdy Not Child Friendly

    So Mrs Marowak reached the milestone of 30 and Dan had suggested we all gather in a field on a farm. Personally l wouldn't have given her age away but he started it so there :)

    We arrived in the rain. The Majorhangovers and l had left a warm and humid Croydon behind to drive into a monsoon on the M23. Once set up this amount fell in a very short time. NOW TELL ME WE ARE IN A DROUGHT!!!!

    Katie looking for nose gold.

    And Dan practising his moves for feeding baby baby food.

    If anyone has spare jeans, Internet Sensation Richard Wiseman would appreciate them. And so too would we actually :lol:

    RUN!!! Zombies!!!!
    My bad it's some more people from Croydon.

    Dans glory hole game.

    In a nutshell, throw some bean bag onto it. Get it on and get a point. Get it into the hole and get 3 points. Simple game that everyone can play and yell at because it's ruddy harder than it sounds. Made harder as the fresh 16 day old paint started to dry from friction burns or something and then the bags kept sliding off. l did quite well by pulling on the powers of Picasso.

    Jen getting into the swing.

    Dave going up for the throw.

    Richard playing with the fire lighters.

    On Saturday we saw sunshine. Plans quickly changed if there were plans and so we stayed on site, started drinking from 11am. Or was it 10am?? Anyway it was an am hour. And before l knew it l was battered.

    All gathering around the filming of Wiseman Goes Wild "Searching for free food" We didn't have to look far as we tried the food and it was free.






    And then it all became too much for internet sensation Richard Wiseman
  2. Great pics - it was 10am I had my first cider on sat

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