Cheaper version of heating than Propex?

Discussion in 'Mech Tech' started by nicko_1982, Apr 15, 2012.

  1. Is there an alternative to propex heating which I can use whilst driving and / or whilst sleeping in the back.

    The main reason im looking for alternatives to the propex is due to the cost... approx £500 for propex which i haven't got!!
  2. davidoft

    davidoft Sponsor

    original heat exchangers are most likely the cheapest and easiest option
  4. Your next step is electric hookup on a campsite and get yourself a heater
  5. blankets and a hat
  6. hello folks i have the same problem and and use a cheap campers heater runthe heat exchangers and the gas heaters on a tin of gas at night
    use the heat exchangers while iam driving- gas is available in argos
    the heaters come in a range of colours and some you can boil a kettle on
    they cost between 20 - 50pounds - a co detector would be a usefull purchase aswell
  7. maybe a daft question, but what are heat exchangers?
  8. davidoft

    davidoft Sponsor

  9. whats the complexity of fitting them & cost?

    any pics of these fitted?

  14. Type 1 heat exchangers (1600cc engine)

    Type 4 heat exchangers
  15. You can get gas heaters that don't need venting because they have a catalytic converter so don't emit carbon monoxide. They do however reduce oxygen levels in the air. They should have an oxygen sensor and cut out if the oxygen levels get too low.
    I was thinking about getting one, though I'm not planning to camp in cold weather so I'll see how I get on without one for now
    These ones are cheap and supposed to be OK, google "catalytic heater" and you will find out more.
  16. Buy an Eberspacher and have done with it... :)
  20. Getting

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