This is heaven, if you can bare to leave it for a year it's so good with warm water for a sore throat/feeling-like-your-dying-of-cold drink, apparently elderberries have more vitamin C than oranges and are a traditional cold remedy. As many elderberries as you can gather, strip the berries off the stalks with a fork and weigh, 1lb of granulated sugar to 1lb of fruit Warm the elderberries and sugar together, so that the sugar dissolves, don't boil, simmer for about 15 mins to allow the juice from the berries to release. Pour into a large kilner jar and top up with 1 x 70cl bottle of white rum. Leave in a dark cupboard for at least 4 weeks, at this point it can be strained (discad the fruit) and bottle up, but the longer you leave the fruit to seep in the rum the better. Careful it's powerful stuff!!