GSF opened in Oxford

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Honky, Jan 24, 2012.

  1. Honky

    Honky Administrator

    I noticed on Twitter yesterday that GSF has opened up a branch in Oxford.

    Always good for service parts if nothing else :).

    Thought someone might be interested.
  2. Baysearcher

    Baysearcher [secret moderator]

    Excellent, Oxfordites too can suffer the supply of poor quality pattern parts!
    Even their dizzy clamps come without the captive nut and bolt!
  3. i have never had a problem with them and always found them helpful
    i suppose you get what you pay for etc
  4. Really useful to have them near by. Its quite surprising what they do have in stock, good for service bits etc. They are always helpful, but do have a habit of giving you the wrong bits. :)
  5. Honky

    Honky Administrator

    Some of their parts are poor quality but they do charge respectively.

    My main problem is getting the wrong bits - double check they give you what you want before you leave.
  6. If they employ locals, there's no hope!

    I'm local by the way😜
  8. So long as you haven't got the idiots from the Nottingham shop you should be fine I wouldn't pay them clowns in washers
    Tried a few on my travels Leeds,donncaster and another one but can't remember where
    all great customer service Nottingham one not got a clue damn shame it's the one closest to me will try derby next time
  10. Yeah I saw that pizza hut on the way in lol

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