Hangover cures

Discussion in 'Can Cook, Will Cook' started by 72wilma, Jan 1, 2014.

  1. In future I'm sticking to whiskey.

    I've got champagne head and its not pleasant.:oops:

    Please help, all recovery remedies gladly aaccepted bar hair of the chien.:confused:
  2. Get some more on your neck that works for me lol
  3. I've been told if it hurts that much, cut it off!!!! Possibly not the best advice!!!
  4. Terrordales

    Terrordales Nightshift

    Try this
    The ancient Romans, fond of massive, orgiastic bacchanals, sometimes woke up with feeling like there was a chariot race going on in their heads. But forget hair of the dog, how about feather of the bird?Pliny the Elder recommended to deep-fry a canary and scarf it down. Debate goes on about whether the bird was beheaded and skinned or eaten whole, but everyone seems to agree that those crunchy bones were some of the best bites.
    Start drinking again
  5. Poptop2

    Poptop2 Administrator

    Anadin water sleep:thumbsup:
  6. get someone to stroke your head whilst holding a cold flannel on it , used to work for me when i had migraine.:)

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