If you haven't got any chrome Cleaning products to hand, don't fret. Get some tin foil fold it up and use plenty of water, the tin foil acts in two ways. Firstly it's like a very fine sandpaper that will remove any rust and secondly as it breaks down, due to it being a softer metal than chrome, it actual fills minor scratches and dings. A little elbow Grease and it'll come up all shiny and look almost new.
Never heard of this before - I use Autosol normally but it hasn't stopped my chromed spotlights rusting. How long between cleans and does it keep rust at bay (no pun intended!)? If so you'd better market it quick and make a fortune.
The tinfoil trick really works. If you've got a lot of rust on your hubcaps try wetting the area you are working on. We've done this twice in the two years we've owned Arthur - probably twice a year at most would keep the rust at bay...
I don't see why it wouldn't work on stainless as well. I did my hub caps In march and they were a right mess, came up lovely and haven't touched them since. Other to wash them.
Thanks, thanks, was just looking over my hubcaps last time I washed Diamond up. Will bring them in out of the rain and try that today some time.
i used foil and cola on the pitted insides of hubcaps as it did scratch (too much elbow grease?) but it's brought them up a treat. it won't stop the rust from forming but after doing it you can seal it with wax/polish or oil i suppose, to stop the rust forming again. just need my bus back now to put them on
Just want to add that its important to have shiney side out. Try the same on your louvre windows. Dont panic when it turns black. Polish it off with soft polish. lubricate ( ) the tin foil with washing up liquid for super results. Been doing this for years.
ive always used peat based soil, just dip a damp rag into the soil and polish followed buy a clean damp cloth to shine. Will try the foil next time
Yup as z4alfie mentioned, use the shiny side of the foil with plenty of water - I guess a touch of soap won't hurt.
For really rusty stuff I ve been using Brillo pads or steel wool and Fairy,with water. Gonna try the tin foil as a finishing buff. Top tip! Cheers A good dollop of wax to seal out the elements as well. Wipe the inside with an oily rag after cleaning, just a very thin coat is needed. Should be able to feel but not see.