New member - long owner

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourselves' started by normuk, Sep 23, 2014.

  1. Hello from Ely :D
  2. Poptop2

    Poptop2 Administrator

    Welcome to the forum.

    and bummed europe in 1994

    Bumming the whole of Europe seems quite a task. Did you only do part of it and did you catch anything?
    gilb1, Flakey and zed like this.
  3. Hello 94 was 20 years ago , so the kids want it sorted i spose . Have fun , any pics of the bum trip :cool:
  4. Now I know what I'm up against!!
    Buddy Hawks likes this.
  5. Hello and welcome !!
    Similar story over here - bought in `94 and spent 2 years travelling europe and Turkey , living on beaches , cooking over fires etc etc ...
    Good to know there`s someone else with tale to tell .... :thumbsup:

    Bizarre !

    Otto likes this.
  6. Just for clarity we travelled around europe , bumming may be a term we used 20 years ago!
  7. Welcome from a novice in Lancashire - good luck with your restoration.
  8. Read something tonight on net - VW Heritage offer discount for bummers associated with this site?
    Barneyrubble, gameman141 and Lasty like this.
  9. Flakey

    Flakey Supporter

    Most of the good suppliers do if you ask :thumbsup:
  10. Got to get ordering or it will be another year off the road. Need to spend some£££s so may be best to telephone order rather than on line. Welder man has got his rod in hand.
  11. Flakey

    Flakey Supporter

    Yes phone first then usually they will set you up for future discount online.
  12. was he on the trip in 94 ?

  13. He may have been, but considering the state we were in most of the time, Lemmy might have been there and we would have been oblivious. Good times....blah, blah, blah.
  14. Not been on here for a while but the old girl is looking good, this was 5 years ago and now kept under cover and used for an occasional trip but interior still to go.

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