Not in the bay though ! I will try not to come back with a lurcher puppy honest gov'nor ! Looks like a good un , will report back my findings upon our return.....................
Gotta come back with a lurcher pup, its the law. Ludo and Mousetrap for me please. Don't forget the terrier pup aswell
Great show really was nut the whole lurcher show side of things was a complete fail, only one lurcher in the first round, 5 in the second.................however there were lurchers wondering round all over the place, just were not entered, no pups though I think they are great names @Pony , no terriers though house is becoming a bit over run as it is ...........I have plans for the puppies name already. Great show though, been to a fair few of these over the years and this was one of my favourites bar Holkham
I ve worked sheep dogs and lurchers over the years. Mrs Pony has always had daschunds. The last one, Mr B, grew up with my last lurcher Bracken. Mr B turned out to be a great terrier if a little noisey, its in the breed. Go to Clumber Park and Broughton shows up here and the CLA. Glad you had a good un