parts not needed

Discussion in 'Late Bay Parts Classifieds' started by Big d, Mar 9, 2012.

  1. Parts that i bought that are not needed now as i have changed projects again,
    Some of the parts ive still got to get some photos for but i will try to as soon as posible,

    first up is a LHD Westy rock & roll bed & wardrobe , the veneer is in good condition & still has the mirror in the wardrobe ,All the cushions are tatty & has the rong covers but could still be used , £300 (pick up only)

    next is a perfect set of devon cusions that are for the rear seats & over the engine area ,they are not very old, £130





    Brand new fold down buddy seat only bean taken out of the box for photos £60 (sale pending)



    Genuine vw sliding side window £50



    Brand new fuel cap,only taken out of packet for photo £20(sale pending)


    Engine tin wear ,the front & rear large parts to fit type 1 NOT type4 £100 EACH

    I will try and reply to every one as soon as pos but im a bit busy this weekend or you could call me or text on 07712556303,
  2. Is the fuel cap £20 posted and is it right for 74 bay if so I'll have it please
  3. Hi, interested in everything apart from Westy interior. Will you post?

    If so can you work out price to Hereford, or are you coming this direction any time soon?
  4. I don't want the tins either
  5. Hi Clowie,
    sorry it's plus post ,also if your van doesnt have a petrol flap it will fit, i bought it for a 1975 van ,
    cheers Darren
  6. How much all in then m8
  7. where abouts would you want it sent to?
  8. sorry m8 ng16 6nt (nottiingham) ;)
  9. Hi
    im intrested in the tin that goes over the gearbox dont know if that what you call the front or rear
    have you got photo what condition is it in ?
  10. sorry it's taken so long to reply but im working 7 days a week at the moment,

    with the post the fuel cap will be £23 to your door.

    sorry i hav'nt got any photos as it's in a garage that i rent and at the moment i've got no chance of getting any .
    but it's not rusty at all or bent but it does need to be painted.

    cheers darren
  11. hi, would be interested in the sliding window. would you send it to Germany? If so, how much would it be? best wishes, toby
  12. If you still have the buddy seat, I'd be interested
  13. i ll have the fuel cap plz palpal good for you if so pm me your email and i ll send it
    cheers steve

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