Pop top cleaning tip

Discussion in 'Product Reviews' started by DamonW, Nov 2, 2022.

  1. Hi - after spending 5 months in our van I have been doing a full interior valet and purchased this stuff - “losso mould and mildew remover” which has no bleach and is completely safe for fabric fiberglass etc etc
    Well my pop top fabric has quite a bit of staining and so did the flocked inside of the westy pop top roof. This stuff really works well and took me 2 hrs using a soft natural bristle washing up brush. I would say my top is now 90% clean and really fresh. Some really stubborn areas took a number of applications but really easy as you just scrub it onto the fabric or surface.
    I purchased it on Amazon the smallest size and used 1/4 of it.

    Attached Files:

    paradox and Chrisd like this.
  2. Poptop2

    Poptop2 Administrator

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  3. Well I did not do a before and after pic so will just have to imagine a dirty pop top and now a very clean one :) but just throwing out there that this stuff works if anyone is needing a cleaning solution for mildew spots on canvas or the inside of the fiberglass roof.

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